Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Country that will host the World Cup

Mr. Donald Trump will be President in 2026 when the World Cup final will be played in the USA, and thus Mr. Trump will be awarding the FIFA Trophy to the winner.

The 2026 World Cup, co-hosted between the USA, Canada and Mexico, will happen in the shadow of increasing world tensions, from the USA bullying the world (notably its co-hosts Mexico and Canada), and wars and tensions in Ukraine, Middle East, Sudan, Central Africa.... Amid all these tensions social media will fan to the fires of nationalism, xenophobia and racism, which will all be burning brightly, not only in the political sphere, but more and more in the social sphere: the new conflicts are no longer conflicts between politicians or nations; they are conflicts between peoples.

And in the midst of all this, football "fans" from 48 nations will congregate for the World Cup, and matches will be full of distrust, overblown pride and outright hate. There will be little friendly cheering, and every play on the pitch will be interpreted as a political event. Just as Real Madrid and Barcelona, many countries will feel that they are entitled to victories, while many players will be fanning the flames of hate by their rich-boy arrogant attitudes.

In such a World Cup the values of football will be completely gone: playfulness, joy, friendly competition, respect and joking will be absent. And whoever lifts the trophy following a war rather than a competition, will receive the trophy by Mr. Trump.

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